Electroacoustic Music Studies Asia Network [EMSAN]

Responsable scientifique: 

Electroacoustic Music Studies Asia Network [EMSAN]

EMSAN is a research project initiated by the MINT research unit (Observatoire musical français). It was started in 2006. Adresse de la base de données: http://bases-iremus.huma-num.fr/emsan/


Installation de la nouvelle base de données EMSAN, entièrement réécrite par Kaiwen Liu. La version précédente avait été rédigée en 2012 à la Sorbonne par Florence Le Priol. Il devenait nécessaire de mettre le code à jour et d'améliorer l'accés des utilisateurs et des rédacteurs. Un nouveau bureau éditorial a été mis en place à cette occasion.

CHEUNG Linyao (Shenzhen University)
Kenneth FIELDS (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
LU Minjie (Sichuan Conservatory)
ZHAO Bai (Nantong University)
ZHANG Xiaofu (Zhejiang Conservatory, Hangzhou)
Marc BATTIER (Shenzhen University, iReMus, Sorbonne university)
PerMagnus LINDBORG (City University of Hong Kong)
ISHII Hiromi (JSSA, Cologne)
KOJIMA Yuriko (JSSA, Shobi University)
MIZUNO Mikako (JSSA, Nagoya City University)  
SHIN Seongah (Keimung University) 


Publication dans le cadre du projet EMSAN: numéro spécial de Organised Sound, vol. 27, n°3, Electronic Music in China Today, sous la direction de Marc Battier, Kenneth Fields et Annie Yen-Lin Liu (Cambridge University Press).


Sortie chez Routledge de l'ouvrage Electroacoustic Music in East Asia, sous la direction de Marc Battier et Kenneth Fields.
ISBN 978-0-367-33893-0.


Présentation du projet EMSAN à l'occasion d'une communication invitée, Forum IRCAM Hors les murs, Conservatoire de musique de Shanghai, le 1er novembre 2019.


EMSAN Day Joint symposium, organisé avec le JSSA (Japanese Society for Sonic Arts), organisé au Salamanca Hall de  Gifu (Japon), le 11 septembre 2015.


EMSAN Day organisé au Conservatoire central de musique de Pékin durant le festival Musicacoustica, salle 717 du Multifunctional Building, le 24 octobre 2014. 
Sixth EMSAN Day. EMSAN is co-organizing the Sixth EMSAN Day during the MusicAcoustica Festival with the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC). 

EMSAN Track session 
Papers by several EMSAN associates and other scholars will be given during the . EMS14 conference, Berlin, Germany, June 10-13, 2014.


An EMSAN Panel Discussion was organized during the WOCMAT festival/symposium, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 5 Decembre 2013.

Orchid Project 2013 call was answered by EMSAN teams from France and Taiwan.


The Fifth EMSAN Day was organized during the Musicacoustica Festival with the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC). The CEMC-EMSAN Day was held on October 25th, 2012, Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music.

 Whole issue of Contemporary Music Review, M. Battier and K. Fields (ed.), 2012.


EMSAN Workshop, ORCHID program 
The second ORCHID workshop was held on Dec. 2 in Taipei. It was a meeting of EMSAN teams from France and from Taiwan. It took place at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, the day before the WOCMAT festival and at the end of the Asian Composers League conference.

EMSAN Track session 
Papers by Mikako Mizuno, Yuriko Hase Kojima, Zhou Qian, Koichi Fujii, Zhang Ruibo, Marc Battier. EMS11 conference, New York University, New York. EMSAN track session: June 16, 2011.

CEMC/EMSAN Day 2011 
EMSAN has co-organized the Fourth EMSAN Day during the MusicAcoustica Festival with the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC). The CEMC-EMSAN day has been held onOctober 28th, 2011, Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music


EMSAN has co-organized the Third EMSAN Day during the MusicAcoustica Festival with the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC). The CEMC-EMSAN Day was held on October 28th, 2010, Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music. 

An EMSAN track session took place during the EMS 2010 conference in Shanghai.
See the programme, the abstracts and some papers here:


CMEC/EMSAN Day, Beijing, Octobre 2009

 EMSAN has co-organized an EMSAN Day during the MusicAcoustica Festival with the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC). The CEMC-EMSAN Day was held on October 28th, 2009, Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music.

Participants (order of communication):
 ZHANG Xiaofu (China)
 LIAO Lin-Ni (France/Taiwan)
 MIZUNO Mikako (Japan)
 Marc BATTIER (France)
 HUANG Chun-Zen (Taiwan)
 Ken FIELDS (Canada)
 ZHANG Ruibo (China)
 Seongah SHIN (South Korea)
 HUANG Zhenyu (China)
 JIN Ping (USA/China)
 WU Yuebei (China)

 Archive: Call for papers

 Archive - (French) Programme (with abstracts or full papers)

Decisions taken during this colloquium:
Creation of a database of works from Taiwan, developed at National Taiwan Normal University in collaboration with the Central conservatory of music of Beijing and CMEC (China Electroaoustic Music Centre). This project has obtained a grant for the creation of an EMSAN database using the resources developed by prof. Huang Chun-zen.
EMSAN track session during the EMS2010 conference (Shanghai, 21-24 June 2010).
Publication of a book on electroacoustic music in East Asia, coll. EMF Media, to appear in 2011, EMSAN, ed.
Publication of an issue of Contemporary music review on electroacoustic music in East Asia.
EMSAN/CEMC Day, Octobre 2010, Central conservatory of music of Beijing and CMEC (China Electroacoustic Music Centre).

 Symposium “Today’s Situation of Electroacoustic Music”; May 2009

The symposium was organised by the Musicological Society of Japan (MSJ) and Japanese Society for Electronic Music(JSEM), Aichi Art Center, Nagoya, May 9, 2009. 
Information (PDF).
— Information pamphlet, PDF file


*EMSAN/LABs Conference, Seoul, November 2008
 EMSAN has organized a conference day under the auspices of KEAMS (Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society) for the purpose of discussing the implementation of an EMSAN team, as well as a LABS team (Leonardo Abstracts). It has been held in Seoul on November 11, 2008, SICMF Festival, Seoul, South Korea.

 Doojin Ahn (Hanseo Univ.), 
 Marc Battier (Paris Sorbonne Univ.), 
 Unjung Nam (Baekseok Univ.), 
 Tae Hong Park (Tulane Univ., chair), 
 Sungah Shin (Baekseok Univ.), 
 Woon Seung Yeo (KAIST).

Séoul, 11 novembre 2008, Hangaram Design Museum, ARKO seminar room,15h

CMEC/EMSAN Day, Beijing, Octobre 2008

  • CEMC/EMSAN Symposium Day, 24 octobre 2008,organized by M. Battier and Zhang Xiaofu, Musicacoustica Festival, China Millenium Monument, Beijing, China.

Participants (order of communication):
 ZHANG Xiaofu (China)
 BATTIER Marc (France)
 HUANG Zhenyu (China)
 TSENG Yu-Chung (Taiwan)
 LI Yong Rong (Hong Kong)
 PARK Tae Hong (South Korea)
 MIZUNO Mikako (Japan)
 LI Hongjun (Macao)
 TAKEHITO Shimazu (Japan)
 ZHANG Ruibo (China)
 HOH Chung Shih (Singapore)
 ZHUANG Yao( China)
 HUANG ChunZen (Taiwan)
 WANG Songzan (China)
 WU Yuebei (China)
 FIELDS Ken (Canada/China)
 NISHIOKA Tatsuhiko (Japan)

 Information on the 2008 CMEC/EMSAN Day can be found here:
— Detailed program, PDF file
 Informations supplémentaires sur le site de EMSAC (Central Beijing Conservatory):
— EMSAN Day at MusicAcoustica (MusicAcoustica page)

Fifth Electroacoustic Music Studies Network International Conference, Paris, France, June 2008.

  • EMSAN TRACK, EMS08 CONFERENCE - Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, JUNE 3-7, PARIS 
     An EMSAN track session has been held on June 5th, 2008.

Participants (order of communication):
 Hsien-Sheng Lien (Taiwan)
 Hui-Mei Chen (Taiwan)
 Marie-Hélène Bernard (France)
 Luciana Galliano (Italy)
 Hiromi Ishii (Germany/Japan)
 Mikako Mizuno (Japan)
 Yuriko Hase Kojima (Japan)
 Zhang Ruibo (China)
 Hasnizam Abdul Wahid (Malaysia)
 Koichi Fujii (Japan)
 Lonce Wyse (Singapore)
 Naotoshi Osaka (Japan)

The programme can be found here:

Concert of Chinese Electroacoustic Music, Paris, June 2008
 A concert of electroacoustic music from Beijing, Shanghai and Taiwan has been organised by EMSAN and INA-GRM in the salle Olivier Messiaen of Maison de Radio France, with the GRM Acousmonium.

  • EMSAN concert of music from China and Taiwan, Paris, June 2008. 
    — Programme


Orchid Workshop on EMSAN, Taiwan, Septembre 2007

  • Workshop in Taipei and Tainan funded by the French-Taiwan Orchid program. Participants from the French team: Apollinaire Anakesa, Marc Battier, Chen Hui-Mei, François Picard. September 2007.
  • EMSAN track during the EMS08 conference, Paris, June 2008.

EMSAN meeting, EMS07

  • EMSAN meeting at the EMS conference, Leicester (UK), June 2007.

Presentation of EMSAN

Goals and Scope of EMSAN
 The Network aims at creating a body of musicological studies of the musical repertoire and musical practices within its areas of expertise : musical creation in the twentieth century, when the music has called for audio technology. This encompasses all the electroacooustic music in the conventional sense as well as computer music, audio art, electronic music, sound poetry, installations, etc.

The main goal is to conduct a vast project on electroacoustic music and music technology in East Asia, and is composed of 3 main areas.


    • A comprehensive database, geared towards the inventory and documentation of the musical repertory of electroacoustic and computer music from East Asia in the twentieth century.

Knowledge base

    • Search among the materials kept in the repository will be conducted through a knowledge base (bibliographies, hyper-links, program notes, manuals, grey literature, reports….).


    • Materials, documentation records and miscellaneous musical data and media will be identified, collected and retrieved, stored and preserved in repositories, in France or in the participating Asian countries.

 Within the partnership are gathered scholars from various fields : musicologists, ethnomusicologists, composers, technosciences experts, computer scientists. The project involves several doctoral students from Asia and from France. Because it s network, each country has its own team and team leader which is selected solely by the country team. The French team is headed by the director of an academic research unit, MINT-OMF (EA206, university Paris-Sorbonne).

The Network has its central node at the Sorbonne in Paris. It is instigated by the MINT (Musicologie, informatique et nouvelles technologies, M. Battier, director). 
 It is structured as a partnership network with partners and advisers in each country of the studies area as well as from other countries in which researchers are willing to collaborate.
 One of the goals is the creation and development of a comprehensive database. The database will be composed of information in all relevant languages and scripts: French, English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Japanese, Korean, etc. The database will give access to comprehensive information on composers, pieces composed, technology used, musical instruments, terminology and other data which are relevant to musicological purposes. It will also include or point towards iconography, sound files, and full texts.

The scope of the endavour is wide because no such project exists so far. Historical and political questions have prevented any of the countries and regions from East Asia to undertake such a project. However, researchers from East Asia have shown interest in this project and several scholars were willing to take an active part in it.
The project will help preserve the memory of an important part of the world heritage at the onset of new forms of musical practice and performance.

Participating Asian partners

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Macau
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan

— marc.battier at sorbonne-universite.fr

Fait partie du programme de recherche: 


Nous contacter

Institut de recherche en Musicologie (UMR 8223)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Quai François Mauriac
75706 PARIS
Secrétariat : +33(0) 1 53 79 37 10
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Sorbonne Université
Centre Univ. Clignancourt
salle 524 (informatique), bureau 531 (direction)

2, rue Francis de Croisset 75018 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 53 09 56 00

Centre Sorbonne
Salle Pirro
1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 40 46 22 11

Maison de la recherche
Salle 312 et 313
28, rue Serpente 75006 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 53 10 57 00

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